What's Your StoryPath?

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We are a media company specializing in content creation in many forms for many functions. –We are not an agency.

Agencies are no longer the content gatekeepers for brands. We’ve felt the changes over the years starting with the web 2.0 movement back in the mid-2000’s, to the current smartphone mobile shift, and to the exploding mobile app revolution. Our niche, working with brands, involves multiple services that we’ve broken down into our tag line – Social, Search & Rescue. We produce, create, develop, amplify your content, but our secret sauce is collaboration. We use tools that empower a brand both internally and externally as the market shifts to user generated content (UGC) and employee created content (ECC).

Social, Search
& Rescue

Active Community & Network

We Build Media Properties…

“When we started growing social communities around common interests, thoughts, and ideas that’s when our relationships & connections really started turning into something special.”

We were tired of “talking the talk” when it came to digital marketing and trying to convince prospects to buy our services. So for the past decade we have been actively growing our own social b2b and b2c communities which have yielded all of our new business,
and sustained our existing portfolio of clients.

From our experiences this past decade, we now have a #sustainablesocial blueprint for all our current clients ranging from start-ups, mom & pops, and BIG CORP.

Amazing things happen when you roll your sleeves up and focus on scaling the one-to-one relationships in your life. Our media properties are built around common interests within specific types of markets. So far, we have a social communities focused around food, craft beer, travel, sustainability, and mobile. Please visit our communities today and jump in… The synergy is real & legit.Paulsens Pharmacy

Our Relationship Map